Who are you going to help SMILE today?

Another way you can be M.A.D. this March is so super simple that it is sometimes overlooked … it is simply with a smile.

Claire has been known to act like a tool at work … especially when she was on the critically ill ward of liver issues. It is amazing what a smile can do.

Listen to her here to hear the antics she used to get up to (and still does).

1) Smile you are on candid camera!
2) Can’t wipe the smile off your dial
3) Looking at a baby, you just wanna goo and gaa at them because they are so damn cute AND when they smile back at you, wowsers does it feel spesh!

There are so many expressions and reasons to smile because it is just so infectious!

Plus, the benefits for your health have been hugely documented and studied.

What do you have to do today to smile?
– attend a laughing yoga class?
– pick up a baby?
– fall over?
– steal somebody’s nose?
– or just open the mouth for a toothy grin?

To your health
The Cluzie Team

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