Australia has been revealed as the third-highest ranking nation globally for opioid-related deaths, with new data from Medical Aid has exposing opioid-related deaths in Australia have increased by 14 per cent since the turn of the century, now equating to well over 5 deaths in every 100,000 Aussies and increasing every year. We rank only behind the United States and Canada globally in this drug crisis.
But alarmingly, the solution to drugs only appears to be more drugs, if you listen to “experts” informing today’s media, including Australian Alcohol and other Drugs Council chief executive, Melanie Walker, in the Daily Telegraph yesterday.
“These statistics further reinforce the need to invest in drug treatment,” the Daily Telegraph article stated.
Claire has more than 20 years of experience in Victoria and Queensland’s public and private health systems and strongly disagrees, believing drugs caused the problem and will not be the solution to the crisis created by it.
Why? Because, according to Claire, the highly addictive and consuming nature of opioids in particular mean the human body and mind becomes dependent on the drug to the detriment of nearly all other health parameters. It is completely devastating and extremely difficult to stop or reverse.
The solution to this problem is not the manufacture of even more drugs upon which the individual must now depend, of course at the expense of the taxpayer and for the profit of big pharma. Indeed, the pharmaceutical sector has grown quickly in recent years and continues to do so; by the end of 2023, it is anticipated to be worth more than USD $1.5 trillion.
Whilst Claire concedes the intent is to slowly reduce the person’s drug consumption to the point that drugs are no longer needed, the reality is it only serves to reinforce drugs as a solution and a staple in the person’s life, rather than finding a better and more sustainable long term solution that heals rather than harms the body.
Claire has seen enough patients in and out of hospital and primary healthcare settings over the years to know; the use of drugs to treat the symptom after the problem is simply not effective. We need to look more broadly at drug-free ways to proactively prevent the health problems of today.
The healthcare system fails people by starting them on cycles of drugs that are highly addictive and only ever intended to treat the symptoms; an opioid may block the pain, but the root cause remains and will continue to remain whilst the person’s mind only falls more and more addicted to the chemical process initiated by the drug in the brain. They are set up to fail and the consequent drug crisis is absolutely no surprise, according to Claire.
Of course, Claire specialises in ANF Therapy as a powerful alternative to drug treatments, but this is not the only path forward in 2023 for those with pain or those looking for long-term good health. There is a wide range of alternative treatment modalities out there, and Cluzie encourages people to explore them all. We tell kids that drugs are not the answer; it’s time to tell adults, too.
Claire says it’s refreshing as a nurse to actually see her patients a whole lot less! When they incorporate ANF into their lives they are healthier, happier, and higher functioning. At the end of the day, that’s what every health professional should want for their patients. Right?
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