Vitality Program

12 Weeks To A Better You!

What Is It?

A unique and transformational 12-week course set to change you and your life FOREVER, bringing a whole new level of health, energy, optimism and vitality to life now and for years to come.

The goal is to completely overhaul your body to help you feel AMAZING, using a combination of ANF Therapy Disc protocols, education sessions, lifestyle changes and high-quality products gifted to you over the course of the program.

What Is Included?

The Vitality Program offers a comprehensive healthcare solution that will address all aspects of your health and wellness, from inflammation in your body to chemicals in your skincare and tight fascia around your joints. Across the 12 weeks, the program includes:

ANF Therapy

Weekly ANF Therapy Disc protocols that have from 15-30 ANF Discs each week.

Education Sessions

Learn how to reduce the ways in which the world is slowly killing you

System Overhaul

Optimise lymphatic system, gut microbiome, neurotransmitters, organs and hormones.

Lifestyle Factors

Dive deep into food, water, agriculture, cleaning products, cosmetics, trauma and more.

Fascia Release

Lifelong access to self-directed fascia-release movement activities and exercises

Weekly Gifts

Be equipped and empowered to embrace your new health with Weekly gifts worth over $1000.

Results to Expect

The modern world introduces unparalleled strain on your body, nervous system, lymphatic system, gut microbiome, adrenal system, hormone balance, mental health and more. As a result, we find ourselves in pain or generally sluggish. Sometimes the cause of your poor health is apparent, and other times it is difficult to remember when life began to lose its lustre and glow. The Vitality Program will remedy all that, with a comprehensive system to find energy, vitality and true health from the inside out.

  • Energy & Performance: Sleep better, sustain energy, boost productivity and enhance performance
  • Physical Appearance: Physical Appearance White eyes, belch-free belly, improved hair and skin, improved mobility and exercise motivation
  • Mood & Focus: Improved cognitive function and focus, increased optimism and general mood enhancement
  • Hormonal Balance: Reduced hormonal fluctuations and improvedhormone balance
  • Mobility: Physical ability and joint mobility enhancement, including within fascia, skeletal system and joints
  • Vitality!: Feeling of Vitality from the moment you wake and feel like jumping out of bed, all day, every day!


Why Was This Program Created

The Vitality program was founded and is run by Clinical Nurse Consultant, Claire Dunkley. Claire’s passion for honest, effective healthcare started young when she nursed both her parents through their battle with HIV/Aids in the late 1980's, seeing first-hand the devastating damage pharmaceuticals can have on the body when symptoms are treated over causes. Claire watched her parents endure years of side effects from the drugs that were supposed to be helping them. In addition to the trauma of having her parents perish from a disease associated with immorality and deviance, Claire suffered multiple experiences of sexual abuse from as early as eight years old. She has done the work in order to heal from these traumas.

After her parents death and her own childhood trauma, Claire went on to study nursing and became a Clinical leader in the Victorian healthcare system, over time furthering her studies in radiology, gastroenterology, liver transplantation, orthopedics, and nurse and bed management; with a strong focus on patient advocacy. With alarm, Claire began to increasingly witness the adverse effects that a ‘cut and drug’ approach was having on the patients in her care; that is, a focus on surgery and drugs. Whilst she loved being a nurse and caring for patients, she hated the fact that the health industry focuses on pharmaceutical care rather than targeting the root cause of the issue.

When Claire also discovered the evil associated with the money-making food production lifecycle, she couldn’t stand by and watch people suffer anymore. The same companies that make the supposedly 'healing' drugs are creating the chemicals that poison the food in the first place, prioritising profits over people. Claire pivoted from nursing to build a farm from scratch using regenerative agriculture. The hope was to heal people from the inside out by fixing a small segment of food production. Deep down, however, Claire is a hands-on healer and missed her clients. Thus life pivoted again.

After more than two decades of serving the traditional health industry and seven years building the farm, Claire discovered a life-changing new healing modality called Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy (ANF) and dedicated the next two years to becoming Oceania’s first fully qualified ANF Practitioner. She established a holistic clinic to treat clients with this specialty technology and has now helped thousands of clients escape pain, achieve newfound levels of vitality and overall achieve jaw-dropping results. It all comes from a foundation of looking at the person and their life as a whole.

The Vitality program is a combination of the gold-standard in ANF Therapy protocols and everything Claire educates her clients on in the clinic. Based on over two decades of nursing experience and entirely unique experience and training, the program is designed to be a comprehensive solution to the problem of modern living and the states of poor health that can and do result. It’s about finding the root cause of problems and pain, addressing all internal and external factors impacting health, and finding a sense of energy and vitality that everyone wants, needs and deserves in life. With results for life.