ANF Therapy By Cluzie Drives Results

Cluzie specialises in ANF Therapy - a therapy people try when they have tried everything and nothing has worked, which gets immediate results.

Want to learn how to radically transform every little cell in your body?


Here at Cluzie, we do things differently and are all about putting the 'HEALTH' back into 'HEALTHCARE'! We are renowned for people coming to us in pain who have TRIED EVERYTHING and it has just not worked.

What we LOVE is seeing our client's jaws hit the floor when they discover that their pain has halved... within MINUTES! But, what we are really about is having long-term success on health issues so that they are resolved for good.

We do this by:

  • Looking at each client as an individual with a specific story and genetic make-up to get them where they are today... no cookie cutter approach at our clinic!
  • Finding the root cause of a person's issue and working on the source rather than putting bandaid solutions on where it hurts (symptom management).
  • Understanding that the body has a priority system for dysfunction and the muscles are the lowest priority in the big scheme of things. The connection between invisible inflammation and chemicals/toxins to the impact on the body's health.

We use a revolutionary healing modality --> Amino Neuro Frequency (ANF) Therapy.

Rapid Transformational Therapy® (or RTT®)

RTT® is a therapeutic approach that uses powerful, evidence-based techniques to provide people with the tools they need to make positive change. Its roots are based in traditional therapy areas like cognitive behavioural therapy, hypnotherapy and mindfulness. Claire has been training in RTT® for the past 18 months and we can't wait to bring it into the clinic.  We have always been able to help with physical causes of dysfunction, and now we can help with some of the emotional causes too!

If you are feeling unwell, depressed, lacking motivation or generally in poor health, RTT® may benefit you. It is also helpful for people dealing with deep seated trauma or unable to stop addiction or bad behaviours.

If you are interested in trying RTT® book a free 15 minute call so you can learn more about how it can help you. Call us on 07 5329 7905 or drop us an email and book in.

I created this video recently and wanted to share it with you because I honestly believe that our newest therapy, RTT® can really make a difference for you.

I know hands down that ANF Therapy can help with all physical ailments, but what about when these ailments come from our mind and our emotions? Through ANF I learnt about the hierarchy of disfunction. And do you know what sits at the top of the hierarchy of dysfunction? Our emotions.

Our mind creates our reality.

When I discovered this, everything changed for me. I knew I had to dive deeper into a therapy that would help our clients with their emotional needs in order to address their physical ones as well. So I decided to study Rapid Transformational Therapy®.
In this video, I explain how our thoughts shape our reality and how RTT® focuses on the root of emotional challenges. Through hypnosis, we uncover childhood beliefs and transform them for immediate and lasting change.

Adding RTT® to Cluzie means that we are able to help you on an even deeper level and I love it. I believe in this therapy so much and I want you to as well. You can access a free 15 minute discovery call with me to learn more about how RTT® can help you.

Simply drop us an email or call us on 5329 7905 to book in

ANF Therapy

This unique therapy was developed in Europe a decade ago that’s totally drug and chemical free AND addresses the body in the right hierarchy of needs. It consists of small adhesive Discs that work directly with the nervous system – and therefore address the root cause of the presenting problems or pain.

It’s essentially like they reboot nerves that are compromised through injury, illness or disease.

ANF Therapy is different because the health practitioners who are trained in the hierarchy of needs in the body’s systems, are now able to find the root cause of somebody’s pain, rather than just treating the symptom. This way they are looking at the body holistically and providing a whole health solution.

Because it works at a cellular level, ANF Therapy is also quick to act and offers long-lasting results. Patients may experience up to a 50% reduction in pain within 15 minutes, transforming physical and sporting performance while reducing inflammation.

Being Therapeutic Goods Administration-registered, ANF Devices give patients a way of allowing their body to regulate itself and heal from the inside out, which means sometimes that planned surgery can be avoided altogether."

ANF Works...


The discs interact with the energy of the human body, thus may impact the below items
Mental Focus
Autoimmune Disorders
Back Pain
Neurological Disorder
Vitamin Deficiency
Improving Sporting Performance
Hormone Imbalances
Sports Injuries
Frozen Shoulder
Sports Injuries
And many more


Who can use ANF: babies, infants, adults, elite sports people, elderly ... even your dog and cat!


  • Patients and health professionals notice improvements immediately
  • Removes invisible inflammation, toxins and free radicals
  • May reduce pain by 50% in 15 minutes
  • Increase performance endurance and muscle movement
  • Repair broken frequencies (the only known way of dealing for this)
  • Increase the body’s self-healing ability
  • Strengthen the organ and gland functions
  • ANF Disc application is free of chemical and organic substances
  • The products are certified and are a Medical Class 1 product, TGA registered
  • ANF Discs can be used on babies, elderly, animals and everything in between

Client Stories

I honestly feel AMAZING!!!!! I’ve been getting 5-6 hours of solid sleep every night, yay! Increase in energy levels and I feel more optimistic about life in general. My nausea and upset gut since having COVID has settled over the last week also. I am rested, I am energetic, I am productive.


I’ve been waking up earlier, getting all my work done, I’m not getting tired or crabby in the afternoons and I rarely yawned at all this week!! I’m so happy with my sustained energy throughout the day. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and ANF discs with me. I love them and can’t wait for more positive changes each week…


I am feeling great. I’ve been enjoying my deep sleeps and I’m really surprised how eyes have whitened and some of the lines have vanished.


This is the best course in the world. Are you making money?? Wow wee – the surprises just keep on coming. I’m absolutely blown away by it all.



Cluzie Academy boasts Australia’s first fully trained ANF practitioner

Cluzie Academy boasts Australia’s first fully trained ANF practitioner - Claire Dunkley - who is also an experienced registered nurse.

Our training includes instruction on the application of neuro transmitter Discs to assist in the treatment of issues ranging from autoimmune disease and mental illness, through to sport injuries and chronic fatigue. Our Discs are listed in the ARTG, ARTG number 306141 and patients can experience a reduction in pain of up to 50% in 15 minutes.

Who we work with:







Remedial Massuers

Exercise Physiologists


Vet Nurses

Thoroughbred Trainers

Sport Coaches And Trainers