Fascial Ankles & Knees

Well it doesn’t have to come to that, does it? 😅😂

We are on our last episode of Fascial February and we are going to talk about the two most important areas in our fascia, our ankles and knees! 🦵🏻🦶🏻

👂🏻🔊 Listen in as Claire, together with her model Suzie, talk and demonstrate some movements to loosen up the ankle and get things flowing. As we might have remembered, our lymphatic system and the blood supply all needs to go via our foot before it goes anywhere else. 


While the sensation may vary from one person to another, inflammation typically causes pain because the swelling and buildup of tissue start pressing against the nerve endings. This pressure sends pain signals to the brain which causes great discomfort. 😫

ANF therapy is here to help you, especially when nothing else helps! 🙌🏻😎 This therapy specializes in treating inflammation.

Based on our experience, inflammation is often the cause of pain problems and health issues in general.

We may not have given much attention to how our ankles move and how important they really are, but think about this: almost all lower body movements – walking, squatting, running and even going up and down the stairs – require ankle mobility. 🏃🏻‍♂️👟

🦶🏻 When your ankle is flexible, you have a greater range of motion during your activities. However, if you think your ankles are weak and you’d like to boost your performance, ankle exercises and stretching can improve your mobility and strength. 

Whether you’re an athlete or not, everybody needs strong ankles. These exercises and stretches that work our ankles are an important part of an exercise routine – they are key to improving our performance in sports, running, and dancing, as well as enhancing our balance and stability. 😎

👀👈🏻Sample movement tips here!

Most of us in our lifetime have had ankle injuries and we either shake it off or we think that those were just nothing

Stop right there! ✋🏻⛔

We should never allow past injuries to go unattended. We might think, “oh, that was just a little roll” but a lot of us might be missing ligaments and we don’t even know about it – we might have a lot of scar tissues. 

So there’s a lot of things that we can do, even at home, to loosen up the ankle and just get things in our body really flowing. 

Trying to avoid surgeries or any other complications by constantly getting our bodies moving goes a really long way.. let’s try it NOW before it’s too late! ⌛

Hope you got a lot out of our Fascial February. We had sooo much fun!!! 🎉😂 We know for sure that your body will be working a whole lot better if you just implement a couple of our tools. See you again next week for more! 🙌🏻

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