Health Tips

Mental Health Month: Anxiety

Anxiety is running rife through the world right now due to all the fear associated ...

Mental Health Month!

With isolation and lockdown still affecting so many due to the pandemic, it is a ...

Is there anything more debilitating than a headache?

Lyn has been having 4-5 headaches each week for YEARS! She has tried everything to ...

Do you love your own HEART enough??

HEART HEALTH Claire is still banging on about the impact on alcohol for Dry July ...

How does alcohol impact Society?

Today's video from Claire is on more of the Society impacts of drinking. Not ...

Do you know what is the only organ ‘man’ has not been able to copy and replace?

The LIVER!  Claire shares about how much she LOVES the liver and that it IS ...

DRY JULY … are you being “Spiritual”?

DRY JULY!! Are you prepared to commit to it??Let's start with a little convo with ...

Are you exercising or doing “diddly squats” 

Temeka above came in with a painful knee. Before any ANF discs she could only ...

What do we really know about Parkinson’s?

Claire shares her thoughts below. However, Dr Mikel, the ANF inventor has done multiple ANF ...

Text Neck … our 21st Century issue … have you got it?

What sort of strain do you think you are putting on your neck when texting? ...

How do you explain Chronic Pain?

Hold onto your brain!!! And if you have chronic pain keep reading What’s in this ...

Shoulders, shoulders and more shoulders …

First some stories …Paul had 9-10/10 pain in his shoulder and unable to move it. ...